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Orgin of life Skills




Life Skill is in existence from the period when man started living in the society. During ancient period, the skill was seen only in a limited number of people. However, the number of persons with Life Skills increased and the quality of the skill of the people improved over a period. We can affirm that even now it is not sufficient to cop with the demand of the society. Years’ back, directly and indirectly, we started our effort to increase the Life Skill of the people and there by to optimise  the human resource development of the people through  literacy programmes which was a turning point that focused the importance of life skills. Subsequent developments in the filed of literacy, education and human resources development has contributed a lot for the growth and development of Life Skill education.


1 Origin of the concept of life skills


The growth and development of any nation depends on the growth and development of its people.  The growth and development of its people can be achieved only by the optimum use of the human resource development of the people. For making use of the human resources, knowledge is necessary. Knowledge can be imparted only through the process of education. Then, how to impart education to the illiterate common people of the country was the question that disturbed the educationalists years ago. This made them to give priority on the literacy programmes. While launching the literacy programmes it was understood that the conventional method of education would not work up to the expectation. Therefore, it took a shift from the classroom style to the situational context of the learner making the learning process directly and immediately useful to the learner and improving his life situation. This was the turning point where we understood the applicability of education and literacy to help people develop better life skills and livelihoods.2 (Oxen ham et al-2002).


Simultaneously, educational initiatives over the period of last two decades have also contributed significant insight to the educationalists about the applicability of the curriculum experience in real life situations and the employability part of it. The adolescent group in general was having so many physical and psychological quarries, which were never answered by the curriculum content. UN agencies then started focusing on the health aspects of the adolescents through life skill approach. It worked well to expose and settle the problems of many health related issues of the target group. The limitation of this approach was that they could reach only a very small group of the population and the activities are restricted to health related issues only. During the period, there was a general feeling that “the kind of education that is being imparted in schools has failed to meet the expectations from the people. It does not equip girls and boys to meet real life challenges.”3This feeling promoted the concept of generalised approach to life skill to improve the over all development of the children and adolescents.  By the mean time, it is felt that life skill education is not only for adolescents but also for all the people to improve their life situations. The generalised concept of the Life Skill can be summarised as ‘the quality imbibed


  1. Oxenham et al,quoted by Madhu Singh (2003): Understanding Life Skills,UNESCO Institute of Education, Hamburg.
  2. Sandan, (2005): Life Skill Education Training Module, Jaipur.
  3. RJNID (2007): AHDP Project- Activity Report, Sreeperumbadur




by persons through practice, which will sharpen the positive behaviour and ability to face the day to day situations effectively’?



 Stages of development during the last three decades


Studies have shown that the past three decades have witnessed a phenomenal growth in the pattern of education, which is informed by a basic assumption that access to education would lead to multiple benefits at individual, community and national levels7 (Bhola,1984). In 1968, Philip H. Coombs, then Director of UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), through his presentation ‘The World Educational Crisis: A Systems Analysis’, brought out the work of the Institute to examine the problems facing education, and to recommend far reaching innovations.  The report of the Faure Commission published in 1972 under the title ‘Learning to Be’, had the great merit of firmly establishing the concept of lifelong education at a time when traditional education systems were being challenged.

Beginning in 1979, noted behavioral scientist and professor of psychiatry, Dr. Gilbert Botvin published a highly effective Life Skills training program for youth in the seventh standard, through nine grades. The training employs strategies that build students’ abilities to refuse the offer of drugs through improved assertiveness, decision making, and critical thinking skills. Opportunities to learn and practice these “problem specific” skills are just one aspect of a broader instructional program that teaches more general Life Skills.

Social development has enlarged its scope in the mid 1980s when its new approach included commitment to the plight of the poor and enlarged its scope to include inculcation of social and human dignity, tolerance, cultural identity, employment and participation of civil society in the process of development (Youngman, 1997).8 “Non-Formal Basic Education has a critical role to play in the realization of social development. It could be crucial in empowering people and ensuring that they participate in the making of decisions that affect their lives. It can empower people from different walks of life 9 (Freire and Macedo, 1995: Stromquist, 1994).

The World Declaration on Education for All (1990), states, “every person, child, youth and adult shall be able to benefit from educational opportunities designed to meet their basic learning needs”. (p 88). Adult learning has since become imperative at home, work and the community to enable people to be creative. The basic learning needs produced in 1990 at the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand) says that these needs comprise both essential learning tools (such as literacy, oral expression, numeracy, and problem solving) and the basic learning content (such as knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes) required by human beings to be able to survive, to develop their full capacities, to live and work in dignity, to participate fully in development, to improve the quality of their lives, to make informed decisions, and to continue learning. (World Declaration on Education for All, Art. 1, para. 1.)“Learning needs comprise of both a essential learning needs such as literacy, oral expression, numeracy, problem solving and the basic skills that are required by human beings to survive and to develop their full capacities, to live and work in dignity, to participate, to facilitate development, to improve quality of their lives, to male informed decisions and to continue learning” 10(Delors,1996).



This suggests the need to extend learning opportunities to adults, youth and children who are not in school or have dropped out of school, in order for them to have access to learning as a basic human right. Among others, UNICEF and UNESCO have been instrumental in the insertion of non-formal education in the educational nomenclature.  The failing of the formal education system, and the realization that non-formal education offers a viable alternative, through imparting of critical knowledge and skills, have added momentum to the need  and provision of this form of education.  Adult learning is a gateway to enhanced participation in social, cultural and economic life.  It is also viewed as essential for creative citizen participation in the sustainable development of other countries 11, 12, 13 (UNESCO, 1997)



  1. M.K.C.Nair, Rajasenan Nair (2004): Adolescent Care Programmes-Kerala, Report submitted to European Commission.
  2. Youngman, F.(1997):Keynote Address: Adult Literacy as Social Development in Botswana. A paper delivered at the Third Botswana Annual National Literacy Forum, Gaborone.
  3. Bhola, (1984): Campaigning for Literacy : National Experiences of the 20th Century with a Memorandum of Decision Makers, UNESCO.
  4. Youngman, F. (1997): Keynote Address: Adult Literacy as Social Development in Botswana. A paper delivered at the

Third Botswana Annual National Literacy Forum, Gaborone.

  1. Freire, P. and Macedo, D.(1995): “A dialogue on Culture, Language and Race”, Harvard Educational Review, 65(3),377-402.
  2. Delors, J. (1996): Learning: the Treasure within: Report of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century, UNESCO Publishing Press, Paris.


Why South African Cricket team lost world cup match – lack of skills – Life skills

Why did South African cricket team lose the world cup match?

It is due to lack of “Life skills”. The professional cricket team is quite skilled. There is no dearth of practice. They have spent hours practicing the skills:- fielding, batting & bowling.

Where they probably had failed is to practice “life skills”. They could not cope with the situation; and were overwhelmed by events. They could note internalise the match situation. This lead to poor catching, poor shot selection low morale during the match. Skilled but their life’s killed due to their approach

Contrary to this, compare 1983 world cup Indian cricket team. It never had big names. Not skilled – nothing great about their abilities with their batting, fielding and bowling. But they displayed life skills- as they did not panic; they were a team; had right thinking about their approach and enjoyed the opportunity. Mentally, they were more balanced.  The result is history.

Moral of the story is Skills without Life skills will not help. The government is focussing on skill development. Focussing only on technical or vocational skills ignoring life skills would not fetch the desired results.

Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enables individual to meet the demand and challenges of everyday life – World Health Organization

Playing to win and playing not to lose are two different things mentally.



How Listening to Others Can Make You a Better Person

Listening- Understanding – success

Let's Reach Success

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.

Ernest Hemingway

 What if I tell you that listening is much more important than speaking? Most people often forget that we have one mouth and two ears, which means we should listen twice as much as we speak. That way we will be able to connect with others on a spiritual level, not being driven by our egoistic instincts which make us speak without listening.

The world would be a better place if people listened to each other more. Thus communication will be real, everyone will say what they want and won’t keep it in their head, conflicts will lessen and people will refind their compassion.

Listening is an art, a way to other people’s heart, an effort requiring patience, sometimes a battle with yourself, and a skill you need to learn in…

View original post 811 more words

Self awareness- the foundation for Leadership Development

Leadership development is self-development. The quest for leadership
is first an inner quest to discover who you are. That is clearly the premise
of this wonderful collection of developmental activities. They guide learners
on that fascinating journey of self-awareness and self-confidence that
can only come from experiencing something in themselves for themselves. 

Learning to lead is about discovering what you value. About what

inspires you. About what challenges you. About what gives you power and competence.

About what encourages you.

When you discover these things about yourself,
you’ll know what it takes to lead those qualities out of others.

Career Transition Coach

While selecting our first job some of us are often influenced by the choice of our parents. Hence after a while they tend to loose interest in their job or career. 

While some of us are often exposed to the brutality of the market volatility, and hence are forced to change their career. 

Many find it difficult to cope with the demands and challenges these changes offer. Hence a Career Transition Coach helps individuals to over come situations like these.  Also help individuals to identify their choices, and make informed choice which would enable them to become more comfortable with their career.

We offer services for those who are 

  • in the middle of their career and feel unsure of their choices and future, and intends to have a career transition- mid life crisis
  • asked by their organisations to leave due to various reasons
  • students and would like to identify their areas of strength and competencies so that they can identify their career choices to avoid these crises.

Bench Period

Recently a new recruit in a IT firm who underwent my training program called me.  The individual was little upset on not been allotted a project and had been asked to take supportive roles.

“Is it to take calls have I studied Engineering” the person fumed.  Obviously after put in a lot of hard work to ensure that they get into good Engineering college and then to get placed on campus recruitment, with dreams of working for a good organisation. Not into the project made the individual feel depressed.

Similarly another incident where almost all the member of the new recruits have been put into projects except one.  The individual felt isolated as all the batch-mates are into project.  This made the individual to break down during the session of the induction training program.

We could understand the agony these individual underwent, considering that they are just from the college.

Many of us have undergone a similar situation or have witnessed friends undergo these turmoil, sitting on the Bench.

Suggestions for individuals are:

Please list out all your achievements in a sheet a paper.

You may also record these achievements on your mobile and listen to it as often as possible.

For a moment please consider those individuals who were along with you in your college and yet  to be placed in any organisation.

Count your blessings: count all the things you have blessed with. The number might surprise you.

Dr. Wayne dyer says, feeling motivated or depressed is a choice you make.

Use life skills. choose to be positive. The two techniques suggested above would help individuals to stay positive.

Smile at others. Shares pleasantries. You not only make the other person feel better, but would do yourself a world of good.

Consider, Bench period as a time where you are paid to improve  yourselves. Do not focus only on the technical skills, also practice and improve your life skills. Because once you have gained life competency problems and challenges are not going to bother you.

Is their any one in this world who does not have problem?

Change the way you think during the bench period.  Consider this as an opportunity to have over all look at yourselves rather than merely blaming the organisation or the market.

Try it.

( I Suggested the former to start enjoy taking calls and master the art of talking on a telephone, which would help the individual for their entire lifeImage)

Bench is also a paid holiday- Try to enjoy looking at your overall SELF. This might be the best time of your life.


check this link:


List of Life skills trainer in India

List of Life skills trainer in India

List of Life skills trainers in India


How to give feed back

How to give feed back


1. Do I feel as if I’m part of a team? When I talk to my employees, do I use the words “we” and
“us” instead of “you” or “I”?
2. Is my primary focus on what’s good for me, or what’s good for my team or the company?
3. Do I need a lot of positive reinforcement, or are my team’s hard work and results enough
4. Do I approach projects with an open mind – make my goals and expectations clear, then allow
my team to figure out how to accomplish them?
5. Do I engage in dialogues – not monologues – when I speak to my employees?
6. Do I view all meetings as opportunities for an exchange of information, not platforms for my
own opinions?
7. When I disagree with an employee’s ideas or methods, is my criticism constructive and
8. If I must reprimand an employee, do I do so in private, in a calm, low-key, helpful manner,
with a problem-solving rather than punitive attitude?
9. Am I sympathetic and helpful when it comes to my team members’ personal problems?

10. Am I even-handed and fair in my dealings with team members? Does each team member know
exactly what I expect from him or her?
11. Do I insist that any personal differences among individual team members be either ignored or
worked out?
12. Do I encourage members of my team to think for themselves, to express their ideas and
opinions, to take calculated risks?
13. Do I recognize and reward effort, not just results?

Proactive behaviour


In psychology, we use the terms ‘reactive’ and ‘proactive‘ to define different types of response to stimulus. These are the distinguishing features of reactive vs. proactive behavior. This article also explores the affect that reactive vs. proactive behavior has on emotional health.

Reactive Behavior behavior is typically behavior that occurs in response to a stimulus. Reactionary behavior is influenced by outside forces. For example, you believe that someone has wronged you or been rude to you, you ‘react’ by punishing or vindicating yourself. To ‘react’ to means that you allow someone else’s behavior or choices to guide your own actions.

Proactive behavior takes time to consider options and weigh outcomes. Proactive behavior is not controlled by outside stimulus (aka someone else’s behavior). To be proactive is to consider your options and make your decisions based on what you think is best for you at the time. Proactive behavior is also referred to as responding, rather than reacting.

Reactive behavior is generally spontaneous while proactive behavior requires some time and thought. When a person reacts to perceived insults, threats or actions he doesn’t like, it is usually done in haste and anger, giving vent to the first words out of his mouth. These people are described as reactionary. Proactive behavior takes an ‘I’ll get back to you on that’ attitude. Proactive behavior means choosing a course of action, not necessarily in response to what someone else has done.

When I am angered and respond with the first thought in my head, those words will be angry, vicious and vindictive. That’s pretty much the first response with most anyone. It’s our territorial animal nature coming out; a dog’s instinct is to snarl when her territory (or loved ones) are threatened. Even if the dog just sense danger, the hackles go up, the teeth are bared and growling begins. The message is clear. Do not mess with me. And there may be times when this response isn’t unhealthy. But if that is my reaction to every situation, I need to step back and rethink my behavior. Do I feel threatened or am I just annoyed? Am I habitually angry? Do I react rather than respond?

If you can separate in your mind, what someone else is doing from what you are doing, you will find it easier to plan your own actions. Making choices about how you will act in any given situation, independent of how someone else is acting, is ‘proactive’ and healthy. If you are like me, you don’t want someone else’s behavior or choices to dictate how you act. I want to plot my course of action for myself, not just in reaction to what someone else does or says.